Day 11 [Joshua 11 &1 2 ; Judges 2:10-15]
The future of every nation is dependant on its YOUTH but when the young generation refuses to acknowledge GOD, then there is a problem. Today, we focus on youths.
. Thank God for the lives of our youths in UK & beyond.
. Cover young people in the blood of Jesus.
. By the power of Christ, pray against powers fighting strongly against young people of today.
. Specifically pray against demonic spirit of depression, drug & alcohol abuse, occultism, divination, suicide deployed by Satan to steal, kill & destroy the youth.
. Pray young people to know and acknowledge the Lord by the help of the holy spirit.
. Pray the God grant the church power, strategy & wisdom to reach the youth with the good news
. Pray for the Holy Spirit to soften the heart of the youth in the UK & beyond to receive Christ by grace & ease.
. Pray for our young adults to discover God’s purpose early in their lives.
. Please pray deeply for young people
*Pray these prayers deep & wide to cover all areas Including our Church.
*Prayers every night 11pm-12am. Call in
*Prayers every Tuesday & Thursday, @ Pastor’s house.