Please watch our life-changing messages and be blessed. We trust that the true Word of God will transform your destiny to another dimension. Please feel free to join us for our live services. God bless you.

40 Days Pray & Fast Day 5

Day 5 [Joshua 1 & 2]  Today, pray for your family, both nuclear and extended family . Thank God for the family you are born into. . Plead the blood of Christ over your entire family. . Pray that any ancestral, generational and personal sins, curses to be loose from your neck by the blood of…

40 Days Pray & Fast Day 4

Day 4 [Acts 1: 9 – 11 & 1 Cor. 14:14] . Today, speak a word of Prophecy into everything concerning you. . 2016 Prophetic declaration is available on church website, locate it and pray. . Prophecy that, as God you serve is undefeatable, so will you be. . Prophecy against all long standing burdens/curses &…

40 Days Pray & Fast Day 3

DAY 3 [Acts 6 : 8  & Matthew 6 : 9 – 16] Our Father: Recognise and talk to God as your Father Hallowed His name with praise, adoration and thanksgiving Thy Kingdom come: Pray God’s mighty kingdom to be manifested over your life and destiny Pray for heavens WILL not Satan’s or Man’s to…

40 Days Pray & Fast Day 2

Day 2 [Acts 2 : 5] Begin with thanks, praise always Pray in the Holy Ghost Holy Ghost grant us faith to enter into the wonderful things of God this season Pray the Holy Ghost to grant you the faith to laugh at impossibilities By the power of the Holy Ghost, move me into something…

40 Days Pray & Fast Day 1

DAY I Praise and Worship God from January till now Thank Him for the Year 2016, our year of uncommon victories Ask God for the Grace to fast and pray right this season Ask God for strength to overcome physical passions and desires that hinder Father fill me with divine enthusiasm to do this right Father…


Beloved I hear the sound of revival over the church and the cities. It is time for personal and nationwide prophecies, bondages and some long standing curses to be fulfilled and some broken. God wants to extend His territory here on earth through you (the church). God needs your hands, feet’s and will to enable…

Born of a substance P2

From the last lesson, God has been revealing to us about the substance of faith. Faith is key in our walk with Him and us a result we have been encouraged to build up and increase in it. Faith is the foundation to everything that God has in store for man and without it no…

Born of a substance P1

One of the most fascinating subjects from Genesis to Revelation is the subject of faith. This is because it is the foundation to every believer and as you may well know, the foundation of everything in life is very important. As a believer, God is your foundation and His word is your standing. When we…